The whole reason behind this website and a periodic urge of sharing ideas and views around my interests (and the required learning process) is because I’m a philomath. Yes, I googled a “symptoms” to find a fancy word that describes my personality. A philomath apparently is someone who loves learning. To me, that doesn’t just have to mean studying for school/college/university. I’ve had a lot of hobbies and interests over the years and I still do and they all come with a learning process. One thing might be very easy to get into, another might have a drastic learning curve. When I pick up a new hobby, I can’t “just ease into it”. From the moment I decide I’m going to put my time and energy in something, I need to go all-in and drink from the firehose.
That’s how I came up with the “infinite loupe” play on words: I’ll never stop my search to find new interests (infinite) and dive deep into them (loupe - a small magnification device).
Real talk: I’ve historically been very bad at keeping a blog alive by posting regularly. So we’ll see how long I can keep this up, but I’m going to do my best. Setting up the tech required for a little corner on the internet like this makes it pretty serious. And I guess scary too, because I’m likely going to make mistakes, wrong assumptions or sound stupid in future posts. But that’s fine. For quite a number of years I’ve thought about sharing but I was held back by the infamous impostor syndrome. I have a lot of random thoughts and ideas about my interests. I don’t need to worry about how people judge me on those thoughts, because those are in my head. I guess that’s going to change.
In this challenging time of a near-global lockdown due to SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19/Coronavirus, it suddenly clicked: why am I (still) worried about sounding stupid, or making rookie mistakes? Especially now that it’s even more insignificant in the grand scheme of this worldwide crisis. I’m making a conscious decision that I don’t have to be an expert in something before I can post about it. Which is a good thing because I’m not an expert in anything. Also, when I do make mistakes in a post, I hope people will let me know via my Twitter and update the post. It could spark a good discussion and who knows, maybe I’ll get to meet new people who share the same interest.
So that’s kind of the plan: post about probably the most random collection of topics (well, disregarding Twitterverse). Here are some of the things occupying my mind currently and what I might write about. Obviously interests come and go, so this is just a snapshot at the time of posting.
- Simracing
- Especially my road to making more sense out of telemetry
- Technology
- How this website came to be
- Projects
- Security
- Gaming and esports
- Learning to play the piano using only free resources found online
- Golf
- Book/article reviews
- Writing prompts
- Anything else I’m focusing on at a given time
My main goal is to stimulate my learning process more by putting effort into posting about a given topic. Anything else is a bonus. If I’d be able to bring some value to readers, that would certainly make my day.